Tag: rosé wine
Sip and Savor: Perfect Wine Pairings to Elevate Your Ferragosto Celebration
August 14, 2023
Ferragosto, the equivalent of midsummer in Italy, is just around the corner. On the 15th of August, everything stops in Italy as they celebrate the major summer holiday that coincides with the Catholic celebration of the Assumption of Mary. However, what’s the story behind Ferragosto? How did it start? Let’s find out… The Origin of Ferragosto Ferragosto comes from the Latin word Feriae Augusti which means the "resting day" of Augustus. It was a holiday in the Roman era instituted by Augustus, known as the first Roman emperor from 27 BC until his death in AD 14, that was connected… read more
Express Your Love With Poems and Wine on Valentine's Day
February 13, 2022
We are approaching the 14th of February and it is time for Valentine’s Day. After two years of the pandemic, many are probably looking forward to Valentine’s Day as a way to finally be able to celebrate something while others may find it a tad bit superficial after what the world has gone through. Be that as it may, Valentine’s Day is an occasion to be a bit more romantic than usual. People, in general, try to express their feelings with chocolate, flowers, romantic cards, and candlelight dinners, to name a few possibilities. However, what about expressing one's feelings with… read more
The Rise of Rosé - The History and Top Things You Need To Know
June 27, 2018
Pink wine is on the RISE! And who hasn’t tapped ‘like’ on a post under the hashtags #roseallday, #yeswayrose, or #drinkpink on Instagram? Elaborate wine drinking photos featuring lovely hues of pink that almost communicate a sort of lifestyle of luxuriously sipping rosé wine all-day-long. Let’s face it, it is trendy to drink pink and in winemaking country, it's no different. Rosé is the unofficial drink of the Millennials. Of course, you now might think that there are other more important wine trends. In Italy, however, the rosé wine production with indigenous grape varieties is becoming more and more important… read more
How to Best Enjoy Wine in Summer
August 30, 2017
Today we want to share with you some suggestions on how to enjoy our wines during the hottest days of the season. With summer temperatures reaching their peak the most critical factor a wine lover should pay attention to is the serving temperature of wine. The best way to keep wine at the right service temperature is to equip your cellar with a small wine-cabinet that includes a cooling/refrigerating system. The best models allow you to store red and white wines at different temperatures in different sections of the same cabinet. For simplicity’s sake, you should remember the following guidelines:… read more
Some Facts and Secrets Of The Wine World!
September 28, 2016
Let’s unveil some interesting facts and secrets about our winery and the the wine world! DID YOU KNOW THAT... Leggi l'articolo in Italiano (Download the Italian article in pdf). Montemaggio preserves its land respecting the rhythms of the countryside and practicing organic agriculture that does not introduce foreign elements in the environment but uses the eternal and perfect natural cycles to enrich and protect the vineyards. This attention to biological rhythms and respect for the land and the environment allow the company to produce 100% handmade and authentic wines and products. The winery has been organically certified since 2009. Read… read more