How to find us. Easy-to-follow driving instructions to reach us at Fattoria di Montemaggio
Please note, Google Maps does not always provide reliable directions to our estate. It has been known to lead visitors somewhere else entirely or calculate a less than ideal route for the car. Please follow the instructions we’ve put together on how to find us below:
From North
If you are coming From North of Montemaggio: put in the navigator/gps/google maps/ PANZANO IN CHIANTI and then follow these directions. In the main square of Panzano, PIAZZA GASTONE BUCCIARELLI you will find ( if you come from Greve, on your left side)a small steep street with the sign leading to Montemaggio (the little street of the famous butcher Cecchini) VIA XX LUGLIO , or on your right hand side VIA DEL MASCHERONE (if you come from San Donato). Please take this small steep street and follow the road until it becomes unpaved. At this point, you will find another roadside for Montemaggio and you continue to follow the gravel road for about 4/5 km. Soon you will arrive at a junction where you will find written on the left, “Volpaia” and on the right, “Radda in Chianti”. Please follow the signs for Radda in Chianti on the right and after about 1km you will find another road sign for Montemaggio and a separate gravel road. After 1km you will arrive first to an open gate, follow through until another closed gate. At this point please ring for Cantina and/or Degustation room.
And here we are!
From South
Put in the navigator/gps/google maps Castelvecchi, Radda in Chianti. Immediately the road will become unpaved and you will have to follow it through curves and turns for about 2/3 km. After you will find on your left-hand side the sign leading to Montemaggio and a separate unpaved road. Please follow the road for 1km and pass through one opened gate followed by a closed gate. Please ring the gate buzzer for either Cantina and/or Degustation rooms.
Here we are!
Also a map.