On his wine blog, Wine Bog Roll, Francesco Saverio Russo mentions our Montemaggio Chianti Classico Gran Selezione 2013 among his top tastings at the Chianti Classico Collection 2021 in his article Chianti Classico Collection 2021 – La mia selezione e un plauso all’organizzazione.

Thank you, Francesco!

Chianti Classico Collection was one of the first events in Tuscany organized when the restrictions started to ease up a bit in May. In this context, Francesco Saverio Russo writes that

Consorzio del Chianti Classico da il meglio di sè e chiude il carosello di degustazioni con un’edizione della Chianti Classico Collection da ricordare per organizzazione, location, gestione del servizio e accorgimenti tecnologici.

Translation: The Chianti Classico showed itself from its best side and concluded the carousel of tastings (ie. the week of Anteprime Toscane) with a Chianti Classico Collection that will be well remembered for its organization, location, management of services, and tech tools.

See also what Irina Mihailenko of Sparkling Life wrote about our wines HERE!


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